What we repair
Our outerwear is meant for playing, romping and being outside.
It's absolutely normal that one or the other little thing gets broken along this way.
Whenever you reach the limits of your manual skills, we are happy to help you with our repair service.
You are welcome to order the required spare parts. We are sure that a tailor's shop near you will also be able to help.
Repairs on disana boiled wool jackets and overalls
Replace edging tape
Repair torn buttons
Replace cuffs on sleeves

You would like to have a disana boiled wool overall repaired?

What can be repaired on the disana boiled wool jacket?
We can repair many things on the this jacket, from replacing the edging tape to sewing in new cuffs.
Again, if the jacket is not up to date, we will look for ingredients in matching colours for the repair. You are welcome to add the desired repairs to your shopping cart.
Repairs on disana outdoor articles

Repairs on a disana outdoor jacket or coat?
Repairs on disana men's and women's articles

Women's parka
We are happy to repair the zip on a disana women's parka. Replace missing press studs or close an open seam.
Repairs on disana blankets and sleeping bags
Torn buttons
Seams that open up

What can be repaired on a blanket?
Well, honestly, not that much. If the decorative stitching loosens for any reason, send the blanket to us and we'll make it beautiful again.
A disana sleeping bag needs to be repaired?
We can gladly close an open seam again. If the zipper needs to be replaced, please write to us so that we are sure to have a suitable replacement part on stock.
If you want to repair by yourself
Bündchen und weitere Ersatzteile
Wir planen ziemlich genau, so sticken wir etwa genau so viele Bündchen, wie wir auch für die Produktion brauchen. Deshalb kannst du original Ersatzteil für Artikel aus der aktuellen Kollektion auch nur auf Anfrage bei uns bestellen.
Bitte schreib uns, was du suchst.
Was wir für dich haben, sind Ersatzteile mit denen du auf
jeden Fall das Leben eines disana Artikels verlängern kannst.
Was suchst du und was möchstest du reparieren?
Schreib uns wie wir dir helfen können.
What even we can no longer save
Holes and worn spots in the fabric.
Mothholes in knitwear and boiled wool items.
Small items such as gloves or hats.
Favourite items that even our "repair fairy" can no longer save.
Articles for which we no longer have any spare parts.
Waistband on the outdoor jacket